Nathaniel Stewart

Personal Trainer & Online Coach | Certified Nutrition Specialist

The person you wish to become is already there inside you. Let it be your identity starting today!

“I wasn’t in shape at all before I decided to do boxing, I wasn’t an athlete. Before boxing I would go to the gym for a month and stop, but once you take on an identity you’ve given yourself an internal source of fuel. ” 

Layla Ali (Daughter of Muhammad Ali)

Most people focus on the HOW and not the WHY behind wanting to get healthy & in-shape. You must find your WHY. Deep down ask yourself why it's important for you to get healthy.. You need to have the intrinsic motivation within yourself. YOU must want it bad enough!

With years of success and experience, I can analyze your body and create a fitness & nutrition plan that will help you reach your goals. My plan includes healthy eating and exercise, to ensure the best results for my patients. I will work with you to keep you on track and motivated to reach your goals.

Body Recomposition Expert

A few words about me

I’ve experienced firsthand what it is like to go through a life-changing transformation. At the start of the pandemic, I allowed myself to get up to a body weight of 315lbs. Due in part to stress, depression, & anxiety.

It was at that point I started reflecting on what was most important in my life and what I wanted my future to look like.

I knew I needed to start living a healthy lifestyle, I wanted to get back to being fit again, and maybe find a wife one day.

If that was the future I wanted for myself,  then I had to make it happen.


Figuring out my WHY gave me the motivation I needed to turn healthy living into a lifestyle. 

I lost 130lbs in 10 months and got into the best shape of my life.

Seeing what it’s done for my physical & mental health. I wanted to help others reach their fitness goals so I went to school to become a Personal Trainer. After that, I went and got my American Council of Exercise (ACE) certification which is accredited worldwide, and my certification as a Nutrition Coach through Precision Nutrition

Effort & consistency always pays off

Client Results

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What my clients say


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"When I saw Nathan’s story about how he lost over 100lbs exercising & doing intermittent fasting I immediately connected with his story. I could never last longer than a month on my own regimen. I would fail and fail and fail. Nathan is the missing piece of the puzzle I’ve been looking for. For the first time In my life I’ve stayed consistent and the most important part is that he makes my workouts enjoyable and fun Every WEEK!!!! In just four months I've lost 50LBS. My life has changed and I couldn’t have done it without Nathan."
16 Weeks / Online Training

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"I began my journey with Nathaniel, and I am 48 years old, had too much flab and really wanted to get rid of it and build muscle. I felt if I didn’t do this now, I don’t know when I would ever do it. Since working with him I have dropped 35lbs, my abs are getting more defined, I can do dip raises and generally feel great. I have more confidence, more balance, more stamina, and more clarity in my thinking. The health benefits are tremendous. You owe this to yourself, and you need a great coach to help you!"
Roland Davis
16 Weeks / Private Training

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"I have had the great pleasure of working with Nathan for the past few months. One thing that makes Nathan shine as a coach is his follow up with his clients. I felt like he was always a text or phone call away plus he is very responsive to me when I reach out with questions. Bravo Nathan! You will do very well as a coach all the while helping others along the way reach their goals of being fit, healthy and happy."
Karen Samons
20 Weeks / Online Training

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"You need Nathan's program in your life. It is the one thing that I was missing in my fitness journey, and I'm so excited that I have him as my coach. When I look back at my results from when I first started to where I am now, I cannot believe the results and progress I have had thus far. Not only in my physical appearance, but I can also feel myself getting stronger. But also, in my mental state and how I view my body, how I view my food and nutrition, and just overall confidence that I now have with myself. "
Rae Ann Nickle
24 Weeks / Online Training

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"Hey guys, Nathan's changed my life. His dedication to my success has pushed me beyond whatever I could have expected out of myself. He focuses on my goals, my nutrition, & my overall health. Not only am I down 40lbs pounds in 12 weeks, I notice a big difference in my sleep, & my energy, I've seen the results. This program works! Nathan's always got a positive attitude. He's willing to work around my busy schedule, and he'll always be a mentor and a friend of mine. Thanks, Nathan!"
Chad Robertson
16 Weeks / Private Training
"I’m a couple months in and this is still the beginning of my fitness journey, I am THRILLED with my results so far! I dropped 5 pounds my first week and have steadily been dropping 2-3 pounds a week since. My strength is improving, and I am noticing real results that have also been commented on by those around me, he’s the real deal, His energy, expertise and easy to follow meal plans make food prep and grocery shopping easy and even fun!"
Nicole Danielle
8 Weeks / Online Training


  • Fat Loss/ Weight Loss Management
  • Toning & Sculpting
  • Resistance Training
  • Muscle Building
  • Mobility / Flexibility / Stability
  • Body-Recomposition & Bodybuilding
  • Speed, Strength, Power Development
  • Nutrition Coaching
$60 / session

Private Training

What we'll be doing in session
$45 per person / session

Group Training

What we'll be doing in session
$749 / 12-week Program

Online Training

Included with Online Training
$45 / session

Zoom Training

What we'll be doing in session

Got questions?

If you have any other questions not answered below, feel free to send me a message in the Get in touch form below 🙂 

Your Fitness & Nutrition program will begin as soon as it’s built & you are ready to start. We will discuss which date works best for you in our fitness consult together.

Yes all workouts have videos demonstrating each exercise so it’s easy to follow along.

-AA Diploma in Personal Training

-American Council of Exercise (ACE) Certification

-Precision Nutrition Certification

-Muscle Intelligence Precision Execuation Coach

-Fat Loss Program Certification


Full details of everything within the program will be explained in our fitness consult  🙂

Coaching Application

Complete this 5-min application form and I’ll reach out so we can  discuss your fitness goals and give you all the details on my program!

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